Christ The King Catholic School, Amesbury Academy sponsor led Primary School
Phase | Primary |
Type | Academy sponsor led |
Gender | Mixed |
Ages | 4-11 |
Roll Size | 117 |
Unique Reference Number (URN) | 149672 |
Denomination | Catholic |
Contact Information
Address |
Christ The King Catholic School, Amesbury
Earls Court Road Amesbury Salisbury SP4 7LX |
Head Teacher | Mrs Sophie Short |
Telephone | 01980622039 |
Website | www. |
Latest OFSTED Inspection
Date of Inspection | 6th October 2021 | |
Overall Effectiveness | Requires Improvement |
— Early Years Provision | Requires Improvement |
— Personal Development | Requires Improvement |
— Behaviour and Attitudes | Requires Improvement |
— Quality of Education | Requires Improvement |
— Effectiveness of Leadership and Management | Requires Improvement |
The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) regularly inspect schools - please check here for the lastest Ofsted reports.