Durham Constabulary

Telephone: 101
Website: https://www.durham.police.uk/
Durham Constabulary Social Media:

About Durham Constabulary

The force team have provided the following description of their work:

Durham Constabulary polices the area of County Durham and Darlington Borough, which together occupy an area of 2,232 sq. km. The area is predominantly rural, with more than half of its residents living in settlements of less than 10,000 people. There are 12 main towns and over 260 small towns and villages, many of which are former colliery villages. The population of the constabulary area is estimated to be 604,900 (ONS mid year estimate 2007), of which 1.2% are from ethnic minority groups

Neighbourhoods within Durham Constabulary

The Durham Constabulary includes the following policing neighbourhoods:

You may click on any of the neighbourhoods to view their contact details, information about the neighbourhood priorities, and so forth.

Data courtesy of police.uk. See our Data Sources page for more information.