Time Is Running out to Get Your Letter to Santa

Time Is Running out to Get Your Letter to Santa

Time is running out to get your letter sent to Santa if you want to receive a reply. The Royal Mail is once again helping Father Christmas at this busy time of year but letters need to be received by the 6th of December.

If you want to receive a reply all you need to do is send your Christmas letter to:

Santa/Father Christmas,
Santa’s Grotto,

Don't forget to include a name and address so Santa's elves know where to send the reply.

The fun new postcode XM4 5HQ (Xmas HQ in case you missed it!) replaces the previous SAN TA1. StreetCheck have managed to get hold of the address information for the area HERE so have a look if you want to know what sort of neighbour Santa is!

For the grown-ups out there the last recommended posting dates for all UK mail are 18th December for second class and 20th December for 1st class. A full list can be found at www.royalmail.com/greetings.

If you're one of the many people choosing to make a charitable contribution rather than send Christmas cards this year please consider supporting Crisis, a charity that supports single, homeless people. They are running an appeal to reserve a place for a homeless person this Christmas – with a donation of just £21.62 buying them, amongst many other things, a hot Christmas dinner.

Finally, when Christmas Eve comes have a look at Norad Santa - this lovely website allows you to track Santa's progress as he visits all the good boys and girls across the globe.

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