What We Do
StreetCheck pulls together in-depth information about property and people across the United Kingdom.
We show you everything you need to know about your area, whether you are looking to buy, rent or are just being nosy!
Best of all, our service is completely free - just enter a postcode above to find your information.
StreetCheck gets information from a variety of official government databases, including census information and Land Registry data.
We then filter this data and extract the key statistics to help you with your house-hunting.
Here at StreetCheck, we are constantly adding new information, and currently offer information on housing types, social grade, gender, marital status, health, employment data, and broadband availability,
with more information being added daily.
Latest News From StreetCheck
Housing Changes Coming in 2025
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Compare Broadband
Use this handy comparison tool to help you pick the right broadband for your home. Search across multiple providers, and configure your preferred speed, contract term, data limit and more.

Find Services Nearby
Use this handy tool to locate the nearest schools, GP surgeries, hospitals and railway stations for any addresses in the whole of the UK - as well as Tube and DLR information for London.

Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know where our data comes from, and how often it's updated? Or perhaps you're looking for a person, who owns a piece of land? Find the answers to common questions here.
What People Are Saying About Us
brilliant and Informative site! :-)
— Alex at Aboda Homes
Very interesting and revealing. We will be recommending it to our investors and buying clients alike
— James Edwards (@JamesEdwardsPA)
My councils are going to hate you for giving me this new toy. I'll know more than they do when they want to do licensing
— Mary Latham (@landlordtweets)
Street Check is a fantastic website! My colleague just told me about it - really impressive!
— SpecialistInfo
so easy to use #streetcheck check your street
— Daniels EstateAgents (@danielsLondon)
Just had a good look! Very impressive and may come in very useful in my office. Will recommend without doubt
— Gavyn Fresco (@GSF0371)
Really useful website for demographic checking a postcode where you are thinking of buying. Uses free data from the census
— James Edwards (@JamesEdwardsPA)
...Such a useful website. Always good to know more about an area before you move there :-)
— moveoutoflondon (@moveoutoflondon)